
The build versions has all of its runtime and editor settings shown in the settings provider for the asset. This can be found in Project Settings → Carter Games → Build Versions

Info Section

The info section displays the version of the asset your are currently using and the date it was released on. If you want to make sure you have the latest version of the asset, you can do so by pressing the Check For Updates button on the far right hand side of this section. A dialogue will appear briefly after you press this button letting you know if you have the latest version or not. If you don’t have the latest, a link will be provided to get the latest update from GitHub.

Note: The check for updates button requires an internet connection to work.

Settings Explained

Editor Settings

The majority of the settings for the asset are editor only settings. Below is a breakdown of each of them and what they do:

Setting Description Default Value
Update Check On Load Checks for update on the asset’s GitHub repository when you open the Unity project with the asset in to. You’ll see a dialogue if there is an update. true
Asset Status This controls the status of the asset overall. The options are as follows:

Disabled - Disables the entire asset so it doesn’t update any numbers when you make a build, regardless of other settings. All other settings will disable when this is set.

Enabled (Default) - Enables the entire asset to function, the build numbers will update when making a build based on the other settings.

Prompt Me - Enables the build number updating based on the response to a dialogue box that will appear when you start a build. This will appear every-time you make a build. | Enabled | | Run In Dev Build | Defines if the asset runs the build version number change logic when making development builds. Mainly a QOL feature for rapid prototyping. | True | | Build Update Time | This controls when the build number will update. So, for example if a build fails, you may not want the build numbers to update or you may want it to happen regardless of success. There are currently only 2 options for this which are:

Any Build - Updates the build numbers on any build made even if it fails due to an error.

Only Successful Builds (Default) - Only updates the build numbers when a build was successfully made with no errors. | Only Successful Builds | | Semantic Versioning | This controls whether to update the semantic version number, such as 1.0.0 or 2.5.2. These are the numbers setup in your player settings and appear on the project executable or info when inspected by users. This has the same 3 options as in the asset status which are:

Disabled - Disables the semantic versioning, the number will not update when you make a build.

Enabled - Enables the semantic versioning, the number will update when you make a build.

Prompt Me (Default) - Prompts you with a dialogue box each build asking you whether you update the semantic version number. It will update based on your input. | Prompt Me | | Last Systematic Number | This stores the last semantic version number set by the versioning system. It is used when you use the sync option in the nav menu to sync up all updaters that use the semantic versioning setup. | N/A | | Show Logs? | Defines if the asset shows any debug logs or not. | false |


Setting Description Default Value
Bundle Code Update This controls whether the version system should update the bundle code for the android platform when making a build.

Disabled (Default) - Doesn’t update the bundle code.

Enabled - Updates the bundle code when a build is made.~

Prompt Me - Prompts you with a dialogue box each build asking you whether you update the bundle code. It will update based on your input. | Disabled |