ℹ️ Any custom updaters should be in an editor folder in the folder structure or in a editor ifdef.

If you want to know how to add a custom updater, see “How to make a custom build updater” in the documentation tab for more information on how to set these up!






ℹ️ Below is an example of a custom updater to update the build number in a game analytics settings asset when the number is updated by the asset & when the user manually sync’s the semantic version number.

using GameAnalyticsSDK;
using UnityEditor;

public class GameAnalyticsUpdater : IBuildUpdater, ISyncable
    //  IBuildUpdater Implementation 
    public int UpdateOrder => 10;
    public void OnBuildVersionIncremented(BuildTarget buildTarget)
        for (var i = 0; i < GameAnalytics.SettingsGA.Build.Count; i++)
            GameAnalytics.SettingsGA.Build[i] = PlayerSettings.bundleVersion;

    //  ISyncable Implementation 
    public void OnVersionSync(string version)
        for (var i = 0; i < GameAnalytics.SettingsGA.Build.Count; i++)
            GameAnalytics.SettingsGA.Build[i] = version;