The asset comes with a few inspector components that you can use to play audio without needed to code anything yourself. This page explains their parameters and how you use them.

Audio Clip Player



The request section has two modes, single or group. In single mode it will play a single clip which you can only select from the one in the library.


The same applies for groups with the groups needing to be defined in the library to be selectable.


Selecting a clip or group is done with the button to the right of the field. This will open a drop down which you can use to select the clip or group you want.

You can search all the entries with the search bar in the popup if you have a large library.


You can apply most of the edits that are available via the code setup in the inspector setup. However it is limited a tad as some would either make no sense to have or need to be done by code anyways.



You can add each edit module once and only once per inspector. The setups are unique for each module but lets you apply all the settings it provides with ease.


Each module can be enabled or disabled by the tick box for that module. If disabled the settings won’t apply to the player.

You can also re-arrange the modules and remove them with the red minus button.