<aside> ℹ️ Applies to users who used version 2.0.0 → 2.0.1 of the asset.


With 2.1.x the data structure being saved and the method of saving has been updated to match standards used in the Save Manager asset I also created. Due to this and the limitations of the old structure I updated how it works for this version.

To avoid data loss I’ve made several tools to port the data from an old file into the new system. This does require some setup from you the user, but will let you convert the old data both in the editor for development use and at runtime in new builds of your game. So users won’t lose their progress.

<aside> ⚠️ Note: This tool currently only works at runtime if the location of the leaderboard save has not been changed from its default Application.persistentDataPath location.


Accessing the tools

The tools are in the new leaderboard editor window, located under Tools/Carter Games/Leaderboard Manager/Leaderboard Editor This will open the window if it isn’t already. From there select the legacy tab to access to porting tools.


From here you have two tabs available to you:

Convert Legacy File


To convert a legacy file, first pressed the select file button to open the selection GUI.