A scene group, denoted by the icon on the right is a scriptable object that holds a collection of scenes to load together. The groups are the main way to load scenes in the asset. The asset provides a custom inspector to make setting up a group super easy.

Scene Group Icon.png

👜 Creating a group

You can create a new scene group via the create asset menu.

Create → Carter Games → Multi Scene → New Scene Group


You can store the asset generated anywhere in the project. The name of the asset will be the default label for the button in the Multi Scene Group Loader Window.

🟣 Setup a group

The setup a scene group you will need to select a main scene. This scene acts as the active scene as far a Unity is concerned and all object instantiations etc will go to this scene by default. It is also the first scene of a group that is loaded.

To add a main scene, press the add main scene button:
